Our club challenge ended on the 10th of January. Thank you to everyone who took part one way or another. As a club, we have managed to raise a total of £1,686. This means we have raised £1,126 for the club (which is enough to cover next season's competitions' entry fees that are usually covered by the Manchester Volleyball Festival) and £560 for George House Trust. We have also done brilliantly well on covering the miles we'd set ourselves as a challenge. In total, we have covered 2,265 miles out of the 2,406 miles target, so 94%, which is pretty amazing. As you can see from the Top 10 leaderboard below, Aggie covered 47% of our whole club target by herself; her fitness levels must be through the roof by now! So as a reward, she will be getting a prize for her efforts and her massive mileage contribution to the club challenge.
