Hi all, As you should all know by now, our Club's 10-year celebration is this Saturday 28th May 2022. You can no longer purchase meal tickets, but you can still purchase tickets for the Junior Awards and/or the Adult/Senior Awards+Party (these tickets will remain available to purchase until Friday 27th May 2022). Please use the link below to buy your ticket in order to join us: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/marvels-10th-birthday-party-awards-tickets-335529436577 On another note, the Club's financial year comes to an end at the end of May. For those of you on GoCardless monthly payments, nothing changes as your payments simply continue. For those of you that paid upfront for the whole year, those payments take your membership until the end of May; once again, we will be offering players the option of paying upfront for the season/year (August-May) and getting the outdoor season (June and July) for free. If any of you want to change to monthly payments instead (maybe you are not able to commit to playing next season, but you want to take part over the summer), please contact us so we can send you the appropriate link to set up your direct debit. We'll be sending out more information on yearly fees in due course; the monthly direct debit price will remain the same for the new season. In relation to this, please find below a reminder of the Club's summer activities. For the time being all our sessions take place at Alexandra Park, 180 Russell Street, Manchester M16 7JL. At the park, you will find us next to the tennis courts, alongside Smalldale Avenue. In July, all Tuesday sessions will be indoors at Dean Trust Ardwick. See you all soon, Tom Atkinson Manchester Marvels Volleyball Club Chair
