Hello everyone,
As most of you are already aware, our home venue (Dean Trust Ardwick) will not be available for us to use until Saturday the 18th of September. This means that Phase 4 of our return to play (as attached) will commence on the 18th of September. Until then, outdoor sessions (juniors and open) will continue at Alexandra Park. However, we need to inform you of some changes to indoor sessions between the 6th of September and the 16th of September. The venue we are currently using is not available at that point. Wednesday sessions will take the form of team trials and will be held at Trinity Sports Centre (more information on this below). We have not yet secured a venue for National League trainings; we are waiting to hear back from Sugden Sports Centre who are looking to see if they can accommodate us.
Team Trials:
In place of Open training and Local League team training on the 8th and 15th of September, we will be running separate men's and women's training sessions that will double up as team trials. These are open to anyone aged 16+, current Local League players should also attend. Coaches from both our Local League and our National League teams will be running the sessions and selecting players to fill the vacant spots in our teams.
Men's: 19:00-20:30, Trinity Sports Centre (Cambridge Street, Hulme, Manchester M15 6HP)
Women's: 20:30-22:00, Trinity Sports Centre (Cambridge Street, Hulme, Manchester M15 6HP)
Open League Finale:
With summer coming to an end, so too will our Outdoor Open League. The final week is scheduled to be Saturday 11th of September. Prizes have been bought, league tables updated and dry weather for the few final weeks has been requested. From Saturday 18th of September, we will be starting our Indoor Open League. The indoor league will be split into two seasons: 2021 (September to December) and 2022 (January to April). We will send out more information prior to the first indoor week. But while we're on the subject, would anyone like to volunteer to help with running the Indoor Open League? Regards, Alia Paschali Manchester Marvels Volleyball Club Secretary on behalf of Manchester Marvels Volleyball