Very exciting news below from The Volleyball England Foundation.
The Volleyball England Foundation are pleased to announce that the first recipient of a grant from the Foundation will be Manchester Marvels Volleyball.
Manchester Marvels was established in 2012 and has grown steadily to be one of the biggest clubs in the city. Their aspiration is to become totally inclusive and develop a sitting element in their club, and the Foundation is happy to support that aspiration by providing start up equipment including posts, net and with the support from World ParaVolley, Molten balls. The Foundation will also provide funding for coaches and officials to be trained.
Tom Atkinson, Chair of Manchester Marvels said “ This is great news! Thank you Volleyball England Foundation for putting together this initiative and all the work you're doing for the volleyball community. We're really excited to have been selected and can't wait to get into sitting volleyball. Our club's mission is to provide volleyball opportunities for everyone, this is a massive step towards doing that. We hope that we'll be able to take part in the Sitting Grand Prix in the future and really grow this format of the sport in Manchester.”
Adrian Stores, Vice Chair of the Foundation managed the application process and said “The Marvels application was very comprehensive and showed a really strong intent to get more people from Manchester engaged in Sitting Volleyball, The Foundation are happy to support their application and look forward to working with them in the future.”
If you are interested in sitting volleyball, either in playing or supporting our new project, please email us at and we can add you to our mailing list. We can then keep you updated and you won't miss out when we get back in the sports hall.